Hi guys, I am Sagar Tahelyani. Right now I am learning about android technology.. First of all, I want to say something about this technology. In the world of smartphones, there are many more users using smartphones. They do their work like shopping, business, social work, etc. Such people need to be faster way to find something extra ordinary that make their work easy and fast. So they want apps or web based technology.. Smartphones work on mainly Android, iOS and Blackberry. Android is open source technology, so people can download android apps and also can customize it. So they choose android Smartphones.. Android is Linux based operating system for tablets and smartphones. It is developed by Google and OHA (Open Handset Alliance). Java language is mainly used to write the android code even though other languages can be used. What is OHA? It is an organization of 84 companies such as Google, Samsung, AKM, Synaptics, KDDI, Garmin, Teleca, Ebay, Intel etc. Fea...