Press Windows+r, then write cmd Goto your sdk->tools directory Write " android list targets " to generate list of system targets of AVD. You see the following output: From the above list, select id that you want to create avd, then write: android create avd -n <name> -t <targetID> [-<option> <value>]... e.g. android create avd -n MyAvd -t 20 --abi armeabi-v7a Then as below image, AVD named MyAvd created in eclipse In command you written, --abi is an option for choose CPU/ABI of device. Like this, if you want to customize the device resolution you have to write an option --skin with value, e.g. --skin WVGA800 For delete avd, write: android delete avd -n <name> For open avd, write: emulator -avd <avd-name>