Android Date formatter and Time formatter

Date formatter and Time formatter are the ways to convert your date to various date formats, like:
03/01/2015 to 03/01/2015, Tue
03/01/2015 to 03/01/2015, Tuesday
03/01/2015 to 03 Jan, 2015

16:30:00 to 04:30 PM
04:30:00 to 04.30 AM and many more..

SimpleDateFormat class is used to change your format of date and time.

Lets look at example, 
String currentDate = "03/01/2015";
String inPattern = "dd/MM/yyyy";
String outPattern = "dd/MM/yyyy, EEE";
SimpleDateFormat input = new SimpleDateFormat(inPattern);
SimpleDateFormat output = new SimpleDateFormat(outPattern);

Date date = null;

String convertedDate = "";
try {
date = input.parse(currentDate);
convertedDate = output.format(date);
} catch (ParseException e) {
output: convertedDate = 03/01/2015, Tue

  • currentDate is the original date.
  • inPattern in the dateformat of currentDate DateFormat
  • outPattern in the dateformat of your converted date DateFormat
  • input and output is instance of SimpleDateFormat are assigned to their pattern respectively
  • date is instance of Date. Using "input", parse your current date, that will return date object.
  • convertedDate is your output date. Using "output", format your date object, that will return output date in String type.
We can do same for time.
String currentTime = "16:30:00";
SimpleDateFormat HOUR = new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm:ss");
SimpleDateFormat hour = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");
String convertedTime;
Date dateObj;
try {
dateObj = HOUR.parse(currentTime);
convertedTime = hour.format(dateObj);
} catch (ParseException e) {
output: convertedTime = 04:30 PM

You can find many more date formats at SimpleDateFormat.


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