Create SdCard and Use of that SdCard in emulator

Goto cmd, then goto android-sdk->tools directory

Now use following command:
mksdcard <-l label> <size> <file>

For example, I want to create SdCard size of 256 MB and save it in E:\Apps\New folder with name sdcardImage.iso, so I write:

mksdcard -l sdCard 256M E:\Apps\New folder\sdcardImage.iso

Its done. Your sd card image is created.

-l : A volume label for the disk image which need to create
size : An integer value which specify size of image. It is possibility to specify          size in kilobytes or megabytes. Examples:  1024K or 1M
file : The file-name/path of the disk image

Now lets use of that sdcard image in emulator.

Open your AVD manager from eclipse.. Select emulator in which you want to use sdcard image. then edit in sdcard field, select file and browse the path of your sdcardImage.iso file, you can see the following snap. Now you can use sdcard that you have created in your emulator.


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